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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 25. September 2009 19:44 
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Hello one last time from Seoul...

Unfortunately, I lost to Kimiko today. It was a very long and up-and-down match. I had chances, but all the credit to Kimiko, she was playing unbelievably. I thought she would get tired, because she hasn't been back for long and because of her age, but she didn't. She was going for her shots, hitting them flat and hard, and it was very tough for me to do anything. She never backed down. I had a few chances at 4-all in the third, but she was fighting so hard for every point. It just didn't work for me. I knew I had a tough match coming, but I didn't think she'd play this well! She had been away from the game for so long and I thought she'd make more mistakes, but she played a perfect match.

Despite the loss, this week has been very good preparation for Tokyo and Beijing. I'm so pleased I came. I saw Korea and had the chance to learn something new about another culture. I had a great week here :) It's a shame, I would love to have stayed longer... Now I've got to pack and get ready for my next tournament. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. It starts on Sunday so I want to get there as soon as possible. This is the great thing about tennis, that if it doesn't work out for you one week, there's always another opportunity coming up. It's not like track and field, where you have to wait another four years for the next Olympics... I always try and look at it from the positive side :)

I had a lot of fun doing the blog this week, and hearing from you guys every day was really nice, of course! I will do it again soon. You can keep up with me after this on my official website, too - .

Until next time :)


How do you feel about the European indoor season, which has been one of your best seasons. It has shortened up this year. Andreas, Austria
I was thinking about that before coming here. It's my favorite part of the year. I feel like fast indoor courts are the best surface for me, after grass. Also, it's always nice after New York to stay in Europe and not have to travel again for 15 to 20 hours! I always have my best results in that season. Sometimes I saw the other players a bit tired from the long season, but I always felt pretty fresh. It's a shame it's not that long anymore. But there are still a few tournaments!

Besides Ai, who are your best friends on Tour? Anita, Australia
It's a tough sport for that. It's so individual, so when you're in a tournament, you have to focus on your game and do all the right things. When you finish with that, you spend time with your team and your family and friends from outside of tennis... To be honest it's really tough to find someone like Sugi. She's just an incredible person. So friendly, so sweet!

What are your goals for the rest of 2009 and 2010? Hayley
This year I want to get a few more good results. Tokyo and Beijing have tough draws but there's also Linz and Luxembourg. I'm already focusing on 2010. I just want to improve my ranking and game. I'm looking forward to it.

Are you excited to go to Tokyo and Beijing? Do you ever do any sightseeing in those cities? Yuki, Japan
It's tough to see much at those tournaments because the site is far from the hotel, and you can spend all day practicing, training and playing. But I do love Tokyo. I love Japanese food. And I'm really looking forward to seeing Sugi there - I want to support her at her last tournament as much as I can. I'll watch her singles matches. I hope she can do some damage - it'll be an exciting week!

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 3. October 2009 17:33 
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Hantuchova had tears in krajíčku. With Sugiyama played last
3. October 2009 15:28
UPDATED: Slovak tennis player Daniela Hantuchova was the end of doubles final match at the WTA tournament in Tokyo krajíčku tears. Last gems alongside Japanese girl Ai Sugiyama, who on Saturday rozlúčila an active career, perceived very emotional.
In the final two couples nenasadených Hantuchova and Sugiyama succumbed to the Russo-Italian duo Alisa Klejbanovová, Francesca Schiavone for 73 minutes. Source: Reuters Hantuchova admitted that after leaving Sugie no longer doubles not playing in tournaments and will concentrate solely on doubles.

Sugiyama Hantuchova having started the final against Russian-Italian pair Alisa Klejbanovová, Francesca Schiavone than partes, in the first game 4:1 lead, but then get their súperky nine gemov place and enjoyed the first joint degree.

"At the end of the match in the last two gemoch it was very difficult for us, we both had tears in krajíčku. Emerged memories for us all nice as we're together on the court over the years survived. Tokyo finals we started well, the early work yet such adrenaline. Klejbanovová but then the playful to the excellent performance by the incredibly burned and súperky us in the next minutes rozstrieľali. This game however was not so much about the outcome. I was very glad that I could be part of something wonderful such. Looking Sugie on I realized how difficult it is to say goodbye, I saw all those emotions. Pozápasový speech for me was just a week ago at the official farewell with a heavy Sugie. Vyplakali we have then, now we have tried to take it rather humorous. Was a great honor for me to be at her side. Did you really nice time, when the bow in Tokyo before the home crowd. tennis world lost someone who was a great fighter and he did much for tennis, "meaning to Hantuchova.

Best friend to WTA circuit after the finals had to give an interview for the second time and was not a common dinner. Hantuchova, however, prepared for SUGI surprise big picture, which it sent to the hotel as a souvenir for years together. Sugiyama Hantuchova to win three tournaments together, the last in 2006 in Rome.

"I sent her a huge picture of the hotel, which is all our career in pictures. It's all framed as a dedication. Got me a number of smaller gifts, but the picture of me standing up robots," said Hantuchova, who seriously considers that the future will have to play doubles.

"I do not have motivation to play debla and I want to focus exclusively on the single. I played doubles mainly because I am so Sugie asked. We saw the hill laughs together, now, after his departure he gave little thought that I had a pair with some other toy . By the end of the year has certainly not going to play doubles and the terms of the new season, it still sees "zakončila Hantuchova, who once on a Sunday morning departure for a further two million tournament in Beijing, where she was in the first round awaits Spaniard Carla Suarez Navarro.

@google translation.

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 4. October 2009 18:04 
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Hantuchova Brazilian coach believed that the 2016 Olympics will be in Rio

Today, 00:00

Slovak tennis player Daniela Hantuchova responded positively to the information that the Olympic Games in 2016 will host the Brazilian Rio de Janeiro.

And also because it is a Brazilian coach Larry Passos. Although just too great hopes on the Brazilian representative in the final choice of the Copenhagen IOC not give.

"I think that win, because there will be the 2014 World Cup and did not foresee that two such major sporting events in a short time to give Brazil," she said in an interview with SITA D. Hantuchova and then continued: "Now, however, will be cheering in the Olympics because Brazil has never been. There will certainly be a lot of fun. Juhoameričania are temperamental."

One of the quartet of candidates to organize the 2016 Olympics and Tokyo. And now in this city Hantuchova after the home side lúčiacej finals onward Ai Sugiyama received at the event Toray Pan Pacific Open until the final doubles. "In Tokyo, I have not noticed anything special that would be doing the Olympic campaign. We were a little off center and throughout the week, I saw only the hotel and the courts. Again, on the other hand, there are now about everything krútilo 'SUGI' and farewell to a career, "she said, yet D. Hantuchova before his departure for the next tournament in Beijing.

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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Tier IV Title Holder
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 14. October 2009 11:12 
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Apparently Danka appears twice in Venus Williams' autobiography:
Slovenská tenistka Daniela Hantuchová sa dvakrát objavila v autobiografii Američanky Sereny Williamsovej "Na čiare", k čomu recenzent Bobby Chintapalli podotkol: "Označte ma za blázna, ale podnietilo ma to myslieť si, že Serena má pre Danielu slabosť."

Jedenásťnásobná grandslamová šampiónka S. Williamsová, ktorá vedie nad Hantuchovou 8:1, o známej situácii z wimbledonského osemfinále 2007, keď ju takmer odstavili kŕče a v kritickej chvíli zjavne zachránil dážď, napísala: "Bola to najhoršia bolesť v celom mojom živote. Daniela podávala a ja som tam prestála celý ten gem. Musela ma ľutovať - servovala totiž priamo na mňa. Je taká vysokánska. Nie síce ako moja sestra Venus, ale tiež zasahuje loptičku riadne tvrdo, a to po veľmi, veľmi efektívnom podaní. Okrem toho: je taká krásna!"

Google Translation:
"Slovak tennis player Daniela Hantuchova twice appeared in the autobiography of American Serena Williams "On line", which Bobby Chintapalli reviewer remarked: "Mark me as a fool, but encouraged me to think that Serena has a weakness for Daniela."

Jedenásťnásobná Grand Slam champion P. Williams, who leads Hantuchova of 8:1, the known position of the Wimbledon fourth round in 2007 when it shut down almost cramps and obviously a critical moment to save the rain, she wrote: "It was the worst pain in my whole life. Daniel administered, and I stopped there the whole the gem. I had to repent - servovala is directly at me. It is such a taunt. although not like my sister Venus, but also affects the proper ball hard, and after a very, very efficient administration. Furthermore: is so beautiful! "

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 14. October 2009 16:35 
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i dont understand the translation, a better please???!!!

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Tier IV Title Holder
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 14. October 2009 21:22 
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I've asked one of my Slovak friends, and she says:
Daniela is mentioned in Serena´s book "On the line" twice. A book reviewer Bobby Chintapalli remarked: "you might mark me as a fool, but this fact make me think that's a weakness of Serena."

During a match (2007, of Daniela and Serena: Serena was winning 8:1 when she got spasms. But it started to rain soon that obviously helped Serena . Afterwards she (Serena) wrote: "It´s been the worst pain in my life. Daniela was serving and I spend whole game just standing. She (Daniela) must have felt sorry for me (Serena) because she (Daniela) was serving directly to me. She´s so tall. She isn´t like my sister Venus, however she can hit a ball pretty hard and that´s after very very effective serving. In addition: she´s so beautiful."

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Site Admin
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 17. October 2009 08:45 
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thanks Nigel

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 20. October 2009 19:28 
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Hantuchova: "A Grand Slam win,"

In May, the 26-year-old celebrated her tenth anniversary on the professional tour, is therefore still far from being on the scrapheap. "The time passed so quickly. I have experienced many wonderful moments, but I am still far from being reached at the end of my career. Currently, I think of nothing else but my tennis and I enjoy every minute of the tour, "said the likeable Slovak woman's own statements, according to results" do everything "would," I have so few goals I in the coming years would like to achieve. Among them is of course the victory in a Grand Slam event. My experience has been rising in recent years, but also the ambition. "

@ google translate.

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 20. October 2009 22:42 
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thanks very much for translation!

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 21. October 2009 16:50 
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Daniela features in Sabine Lisicki's Luxembourg blog:

About 15 minutes after I finished I did an autograph session for my fans. There were many people there and I'm always happy to put some smiles on their faces. Right after that I did press then went back to the hotel. Later I got a massage then went to the players party, which was great. Daniela and I had some fun. There was one person at our table who was eating a lot and we were both wondering how he could eat all that food... I won't tell you who it was though :) There's always some fun at the players party and it's a great way to get away from tennis for a little while.

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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Tier I Title Holder
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 22. October 2009 00:05 
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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 22. October 2009 00:22 
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That's a good interview, thanks DANIandDELmania.

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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Career Grand Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 23. October 2009 21:19 
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Nice words (I think) from Serena.
Didnt know daniela and sabine were friends :)

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Tier I Title Holder
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 24. October 2009 23:39 
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TENIS: Hantuchová váha, či využije voľnú kartu na Bali

Google Translation:

It's means DANI can to play in Bali If she want. RIGHT ??????

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Golden Slam
 Post subject: Re: Articles & Interviews
PostPosted: 14. November 2009 20:11 
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Brazilian interview with Larri Passos:

Highlights relating to Daniela:

GE.Net - Currently, the professional circuit training you only Daniela Hantuchova. Back to work with a top player in the men's tour is part of their plans?
Larri Passos - I love tennis, I love working with tennis and I feel a very great strength within me to return to the men's tour, no doubt. I feel that there is my floor, there I like, there I like to fight, I like to run down. With women, it is a little different, has to be more didactic, gotta get inside her head, have to get more on her lap. With Barbados, to give more ass. The future will tell. Suddenly, someone from inside the Institute ... For example, some young players travel with me. I took Tiago Monteiro Fernandes and Tiago to Wimbledon this year. How important is that I was in vocational pro circuit? I being in the professional circuit, open many doors for juveniles. This year, the U.S. Open got the (William) Clezia to train with Daniela, Tiago Fernandes took the train with Daniela.

GE.Net - In addition to training on Hantuchova, you also work with young people in their Institute. You can find a "new Guga" or you do not like that expression?
Larri Passos - No, no. Never. A guy with a heart as big and with the personality he has, a guy who does not see evil in anyone ... It will be difficult to find another. Every time I get into my Office, I know that those kids give me a very great energy. I could be living in Monte Carlo, I could be living in Switzerland, I could be living in Bratislava, Slovakia, Daniela because lives there now, but has no way to separate myself from Brazil. My project will complete 10 years in March. We will adjust every year, because the children studying in public is very difficult. I'll get some boys in the second year in public and put them in private school to see if we can, through the school and scholarships over the next ten years years to a professional player inside. Maybe one day ... I worked with Guga since 14 years and he became the number 1 in the world. Maybe I caught a boy of seven years and he comes to the number 1 too ...

GE.Net - Your current pupil is Daniela Hantuchova. She ranked fifth in the ranking of both single and doubles rankings. With it, you think you can come back to win a Grand Slam?
Larri Passos - In our first conversation, I said to be among the 30 in the world, she did not need me. But she said that the goal was to reach the top again. When we started working, I was terrified. She was without confidence, without physical, weak legs, weak head. I caught a boiling potatoes on hand. Had a week until the beginning of the clay court circuit in Europe, but it was excellent. She is restoring confidence, the game has changed a lot and is playing well. We have a temporary contract of 20 weeks per year. At the end of the year, she said: "I wish you had with me 365 days. But it is impossible. When she appeared, was a very beautiful and slim. They ended up creating a lot of expectation and it weighed a little in her career. We talk a lot and it works quite the mental part. She is happier, more smiling. She is able to win a Grand Slam, no doubt. I think we can reach the top 10. She has come to court and we are adjusting her game.

Daniela Hantuchova is right about everything.

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