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Board index : Off-Topic : Tennis TipLeague

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 Post subject: Instructions for Tipleague
PostPosted: 13. May 2008 14:20 
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Joined: 23. April 2008
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Location: near Cologne, Germany
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|2. January 2025| 18:09
The TipLeague is a league compiled of tips made by all of you on tournaments from around the world.
Over the season we will be placing polls on who you think will win tournaments. The poll will be created as soon as the semi finals are made and from this point you can choose which of the players you think will win.

The tournaments that you will be predicting on are as follows;

ALL!!! WTA Tier I Tournaments*
ALL!!! Other WTA Tournaments that Daniela plays in*
ALL!!! Grand Slams WTA and ATP*

*No doubles!

The rules are as follows:

1. When a poll is made you must leave a message on the thread stating who you have tipped for the title
2. You can only tip once and your first tip is final
3. You have until the beggining of the semi-finals to tip on the tournament, once the semi-finals start the thread will be locked and the tips will be collected
4. To enter the league system you must tip atleast 20 times over the whole of the year
5. The winner of the league will be the person who has the highest tip percentage. If 2 or more people have the same percentage the person who has tipped the most will be the winner.

Good luck to all of you and happy tipping!!! ;)


Do tipovacej sutaze, ktora bude prebiehat cely rok, sa moze zapojit kazdy REGISTROVANY uzivatel fora.
Pravidla su jednoduche:
1. Tipujte v anketach pocas roka 2008 na urcene zapasy WTA TOur, resp. na vitazov turnajov, svoj tip nezabudnite oznacit nielen hlasovanim, ale aj odoslanim prispevku do temy s menom vasho tipu.
2. Pocet vasich tipov pocas roka musi byt minimalne 20.
3. Tipovat mozno len do zacatia daneho zapasu, potom bude tema uzatvorena.
4. Vitazom tipovacej ligy bude ten, kto bude mat najvacsie uspesne percento spravnych tipov.
5. Vitaz dostane aj cenu, ktora zatial nie je este stanovena.... ale urcite bude zaujimava.


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