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Australia Open, Australia
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Author:  idysaha [ 7. May 2009 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Australia Open, Australia

Events Name: Australia Open
Tiers: Grand Slam
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Events Date: 9 May 2009 - 17 May 2009
The Draw:

Note: The Seeding is based on the current Top 16 in the ranking.

The rules is simple.

1. Vote your favorable player in each match.
2. The player with most vote will advance.
3. If a match end in a tie, the player with a higher ranking will advance.
4. Each match will end in 23 hours from the time the match fixtures is posted.

Below is FWTA current Top 16.

1.Julie Sioen Calier was ousted by Helina Minorova in Round 2.
2.Cari Schlesinger
3.Zuzana Zverinová
4.Anastasia Sokolova
5.Victoria Sønderborg
6.Gina Haswell
7.Maria Sønderborg
8.Macia Zawadzka
9.Holly O'Malley
10.Ming Lin
11.Svea Silverson
12.Camille Calier
13.Catalina Dragomir
14.Christina Toriello was ousted by Carolina Fontes in the Round 2.
15.Rita Ferreira
16.Viktoriya Zalaytseva

P/S: I'm sorry that I can't add new player in it since I will have trouble if I add more player. So, all the Top 16 will have byes in every tournament.

Author:  idysaha [ 8. May 2009 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

1. Vote a player in each match.
2. A player with most vote will advance.
3. If a game end in a tie, the player with a seeding will advance first.
4. If a game end in a tie and either player have a seeding, my vote will not be counted. (just for this event.)
5. Each match last for 22 hours.
6. Just COPY and PASTE the below match list and delete the player's name that you dislike.

Vote now!

Match 1 : Helina Mironova VS Jemima Dunphy-O'Herlihy

Match 2 : Sunita Rao Dixit VS Adriana Marquez

Match 3 : Leighton Claire VS Lea Molinero

Match 4 : Julia Roberts VS Carolina Fontes

Match 5 : Allison Joy VS Georgina Agdgwngo

Match 6 : Barbora Kolevin VS Anjum Iftikhar

Match 7 : Lina Ledig VS Lisa Medal

Match 8 : Yoko Namuro VS Marina Kovacic

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez VS Ivana Ripherhedritov

Match 10 : Alice Hösli VS Marie Daumas

Author:  idysaha [ 8. May 2009 14:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Helina Mironova

Match 2 : Sunita Rao Dixit

Match 3 : Leighton Claire

Match 4 : Carolina Fontes

Match 5 : Georgina Agdgwngo

Match 6 : Barbora Kolevin

Match 7 : Lisa Medal

Match 8 : Yoko Namuro

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez

Match 10 : Marie Daumas

Author:  eddy [ 8. May 2009 19:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Helina Mironova

Match 2 : Adriana Marquez

Match 3 : Leighton Claire

Match 4 : Carolina Fontes

Match 5 : Allison Joy

Match 6 : Barbora Kolevin

Match 7 : Lisa Medal

Match 8 : Marina Kovacic

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez

Match 10 : Alice Hösli

Author:  BlueDragon [ 8. May 2009 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Helina Mironova
Match 2 : Adriana Marque
Match 3 : Leighton Claire
Match 4 : Julia Roberts
Match 5 : Allison Joy
Match 6 : Barbora Kolevin
Match 7 : Lisa Medal
Match 8 : Yoko Namuro
Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez
Match 10 : Alice Hösli

Author:  christina [ 10. May 2009 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Jemima Dunphy-O'Herlihy

Match 2 : Sunita Rao Dixit

Match 3 : Lea Molinero

Match 4 : Carolina Fontes

Match 5 : Georgina Agdgwngo

Match 6 : Barbora Kolevinr

Match 7 : Lina Ledig

Match 8 : Marina Kovacic

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez

Match 10 : Marie Daumas

Author:  idysaha [ 10. May 2009 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Helina Mironova 3-1

Match 2 : Sunita Rao Dixit 2*-2 (Win due to higher ranking)

Match 3 : Leighton Claire 3-1

Match 4 : Carolina Fontes 3-1

Match 5 : Allison Joy 2*-2 (Win due to higher ranking)

Match 6 : Barbora Kolevin 4-0

Match 7 : Lisa Medal 3-1

Match 8 : Marina Kovacic 2*-2 (Win due to higher ranking)

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez 4-0

Match 10 : Marie Daumas 2*-2 (Win due to higher ranking)

Author:  idysaha [ 10. May 2009 17:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

1. Vote a player in each match.
2. A player with most vote will advance.
3. If a game end in a tie, the player with a seeding will advance first.
4. If a game end in a tie and either player have a seeding, a player with higher ranking win.
5. Each match last for 22 hours.
6. Just COPY and PASTE the below match list and delete the player's name that you dislike.

Vote now!

Match 1 : Ema Panovic VS Faria Hansova

Match 2 : Carolina Zamarotti VS Alexandra Pattinson

Match 3 : Sparkle Pussycat VS Miso Ikeda

Match 4 : Anna Kralikova VS Silvia Guerrero

Match 5 : Adele Summers VS Andrea Pospíšilová

Match 6 : Alexandra Slivchenko VS Kate Morgan

Match 7 : Julie Sioen Calier VS Helina Mironova

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes VS Christina Toriello

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez VS Gina Haswell

Match 10 : Maria Sønderborg VS Lisa Medal

Author:  idysaha [ 10. May 2009 17:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Faria Hansova

Match 2 : Alexandra Pattinson

Match 3 : Sparkle Pussycat

Match 4 : Anna Kralikova

Match 5 : Adele Summers

Match 6 : Kate Morgan

Match 7 : Helina Mironova

Match 8 : Christina Toriello

Match 9 : Gina Haswell

Match 10 : Lisa Medal

Author:  BlueDragon [ 10. May 2009 21:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Ema Panovic

Match 2 : Carolina Zamarotti

Match 3 : Sparkle Pussycat

Match 4 : Anna Kralikova

Match 5 : Adele Summers

Match 6 : Alexandra Slivchenko

Match 7 : Julie Sioen Calier

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez

Match 10 : Lisa Medal

Author:  christina [ 10. May 2009 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Ema Panovic

Match 2 : Carolina Zamarotti

Match 3 : Miso Ikeda

Match 4 : Silvia Guerrero

Match 5 : Adele Summers

Match 6 : Kate Morgan

Match 7 : Helina Mironova

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes

Match 9 : Gina Haswell

Match 10 : Maria Sønderborg

Author:  eddy [ 10. May 2009 23:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Faria Hansova

Match 2 : Alexandra Pattinson

Match 3 : Miso Ikeda

Match 4 : Anna Kralikova

Match 5 : Adele Summers

Match 6 : Kate Morgan

Match 7 : Julie Sioen Calier

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes

Match 9 : Gina Haswell

Match 10 : Maria Sønderborg

Author:  kristen90 [ 11. May 2009 03:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Ema Panovic

Match 2 : Carolina Zamarotti

Match 3 : Sparkle Pussycat

Match 4 : Anna Kralikova VS

Match 5 : Andrea Pospíšilová

Match 6 : Alexandra Slivchenko

Match 7 : Helina Mironova

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes

Match 9 : Gina Haswell

Match 10 : Maria Sønderborg

Author:  ArturJFC [ 11. May 2009 03:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Faria Hansova

Match 2 : Alexandra Pattinson

Match 3 : Miso Ikeda

Match 4 : Silvia Guerrero

Match 5 : Andrea Pospíšilová

Match 6 : Kate Morgan

Match 7 : Helina Mironova

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes

Match 9 : Helena Rodriguez

Match 10 : Lisa Medal

Author:  idysaha [ 11. May 2009 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Australia Open, Australia

Match 1 : Ema Panovic 3*-3 (Win due to higher ranking)

Match 2 : Carolina Zamarotti 3*-3 (Win due to higher ranking)

Match 3 : Sparkle Pussycat 3*-3 (Win due to higher ranking)

Match 4 : Anna Kralikova 4-2

Match 5 : Adele Summers 4-2

Match 6 : Kate Morgan 4-2

Match 7 : Helina Mironova 4-2

Match 8 : Carolina Fontes 5-1

Match 9 : Gina Haswell 4-2

Match 10 : Maria Sønderborg 3*-3 (Win due to higher seeding.)

News Highlight:
The 1st seed is OUSTED BY Minorova! Helina is indeed a giant killer. Now the next highest favor for the tournament is (2)Cari Schlesinger.

Maria Sonderborg was in the verge of elimination from the tournament but she managed to advances with a higher seeding in her favor.

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