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Open GDF Suez, Paris
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Author:  chungwit [ 29. January 2014 00:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

I hope you have a good time at the tennis tomorrow, Jean Raj, and that you see Daniela win.

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 29. January 2014 04:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Give Daniela our love from the Forum, Jean Raj.

My apologies for posting incorrect information. Daniela is up second on Court Central tomorrow, not third.

This is Dani's 7th singles match this year. By the time she played her 7th match in the last 3 years, she had already beaten #3 Zvonereva (good to see she's back, by the way) in '11, all-time great Clijsters ( by retirement, I know) in '12, and #6 Errani last year. I can't say that is as helpful to her chances tomorrow as a plastic Eiffel Tower, but it is encouraging. Hey, Daniela hasn't beaten Sharapova in 9 years.....Ooooooverdue! ;)

Author:  eddy [ 29. January 2014 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Ouch. Tennis is a cruel sport 0/7 break points chances. Only managed to win 1 game. Lost 0-6 1-6 Some ridiculous line calling where every single one went against Daniela...how can a premier tournament not have hawkeye?? Will be glad if this tournament discontinues next year. Mauresmo should have sorted hawkeye for the players. Ridiculous. Maria played amazing. Daniela is going to hurt a lot from this loss...could have been so much closer but didn't take a single break point from 7 chances.

Author:  chungwit [ 29. January 2014 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

I saw the last few games of the match. Ugh. In Shazza's last service game Daniela had three BPs but she had no chance to break as Shazza just served a bomb and either won it with the serve or was in complete control of the rally. It seemed that's what happened whenever Daniela had a BP. Daniela played some great tennis to get the BPs but it was nullified by the serve on the BP. Daniela had a really close line call go against in that game as well. It's astonishing that a Premier event doesn't have Hawkeye.

Credit to Shazza she played really well and came up with her best on the BPs, either to win them or save them. I don't know if Daniela won a point on her second serve but it seemed that Shazza was just teeing off on Daniela's second serve.

Personally, I think Shazza is a disgrace, she's encouraging obesity in the kids with those sweets of hers.

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 29. January 2014 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Good Lord, how I detest that woman! :x: Colder than the Polar Vortex.

At least it wasn't a double bagel; that would have been crushing. Didn't see it (thank heaven), but did sense that Dani found her fight in the second and had the BP's, and I'm glad you said, Chungwit, that she played fantastic to get to the BP's. So hope is not buried. But this plus Serena shows that Daniela has a lot more work to do before she can regain relevancy against the top players. When those players are firing rockets and your serve is a crepe (even with Nutella), there's no chance. Her long since ravaged shoulder leaves one wondering if she can ever regain the 10MPH or so that she had. But I'll keep the faith. We all endure agony like today because Daniela will give us ecstasy when it's least expected.

BTW, I had mused awhile back about Daniela possibly trying World Team Tennis someday and how the New York franchise plays several matches in Albany, 30 miles away from my town. No sooner did I post it that the franchise packed up and moved to San Diego. :doh:

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 29. January 2014 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

One silver lining: Daniela will be back in top 30, unless 6 other players win a tourney this week or Zakopalova gets to the Paris final, which she won't because Kerber just clocked her.

Author:  eddy [ 29. January 2014 21:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

I've watched the whole match on youtube.

It's quite simple where Daniela went wrong in this match:

From the first point Daniela should have been fist pumping going for her shots, instead she was just feeling her way out there which allowed Sharapova to dictate and like Maria said in her interview "I knew I needed to get off to a fast start".

Daniela has got to start her matches with the mindset as if she's serving or receiving to stay in the match. She is too nice, she needs to be intense from the first point to the last.

Just my opinion but actually the 2nd set was really toe to toe, Daniela could have easily got at least 3 or 4 games in that set but Sharapova was fantastic on the important points. Daniela did some amazing points in that 2nd set.

I have to say Sharapova is probably the most one dimensional player I have EVER seen. I'm a musician and in musical terms we would class Sharapova as tone deaf and robotic and totally unmusical! As least we know Daniela would double bagel Maria on the piano haha! :lol:

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 29. January 2014 23:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

It's quite simple where Daniela went wrong in this match:From the first point Daniela should have been fist pumping going for her shots. Daniela has got to start her matches with the mindset as if she's serving or receiving to stay in the match. she needs to be intense from the first point to the last

This is an extremely interesting synopsis, eddy. It is so key in tennis to get off to a good start...I imagine she knows that. Have to say, however, that I have long since lost count of the times Dani has jumped out 3-0 or 4-1 and either lost the set or just barely hung on. (Of course, that works in favor of your analysis, because it can be said that the quick start to a set allows her a chance to still win it if her opponent storms back.)

[quote="eddy"]She is too nice [quote]

Of course she is! I know you're referring to on-court. But I don't need a degree from Oxford to know what would have happened if I had asked Shazza or Serena to stop and sign a shirt! I'm forever grateful how nice Daniela is! :P

Author:  chungwit [ 30. January 2014 00:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Ultra power baseliners like Shazza have always been the toughest match-up for Daniela. Unless she's striking the ball really well and getting the first strike in, Daniela gets put on the defensive and her relative lack of movement makes it tough for her to turn rallies around.

Shazza's Plan A is to hit the ball hard, her plan B is to hit it harder & Plan C is to freak out if Plans A & B aren't working. She's had way more thrashings and collapses than any of the other elite players of the last decade.

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 30. January 2014 06:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Besides speaking of the importance of a quick start, Sharapova said this about Daniela: "I had a tough first opponent who can play extremely good tennis." Nice. I guess she isn't a jerk every waking moment. :o:

Author:  Helio [ 30. January 2014 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Sadly this scoreline is horrible. However you guys may feel about Maria, she is a great champion and very effective in general (against others not named Williams), Daniela has only been able to win their first meeting when Maria was only a kid and it was still pretty close.

I had hoped Maria was not fully match-fit and Danka could have made a miracle happen, but she is the one still the one trying to find her stride, while Maria came all guns blazing.

Author:  chungwit [ 31. January 2014 00:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

I think Daniela & Shazza get on fairly well, they practice together often enough and when Daniela was on CNN talking about Roland Garros 2012 she seemed to be rooting for Shazza to win. Shazza will have respect for Daniela as quite a few of the matches have been close plus bigging up Daniela after a win like that will make it seem better for Shazza. By praising Daniela she praises herself.

BTW, talking about dodgy line calls, I just saw Cornet get two very generous calls in her favour in the last game against Zahlavova Strycova. Is it just coincidence that the top seed, who is also one of the sponsors, and the French no. 1 get calls go in their favour when there's no way to challenge.

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 31. January 2014 03:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Is it just coincidence that the top seed, who is also one of the sponsors, and the French no. 1 get calls go in their favour when there's no way to challenge.

I have ranted about this before. Here in America, major league baseball has entered the 21st century by greatly expanding use of replay. Had they opted to follow the professional tennis model, replay would be used only in games played in Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis and Los Angeles. How ludicrous would that be? No one can tell me, when I paid $62 a ticket to see Daniela in the first round last year, that this sport can't afford to equip every court at every venue with the technology. How can a major sport worldwide act as if playing by two sets of rules, often within the same tournament, is just fine? Why would they not be bothered that they leave themselves wide open to exactly the cynical views that you posted, Chungwit? It's beyond mind-boggling. :x

Author:  chungwit [ 31. January 2014 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

Hawkeye was first used in cricket and it's used in all Test (International) matches, except for matches involving India, who don't want it used. India are the richest board in cricket.

One thing about Hawkeye in tennis is that a player has three challenges a set plus one more in the tiebreak but on clay, a player essentially has unlimited challenges as he/she can ask the umpire to come down and check the spot of the play on any close call.

Talking about Hawkeye being on some courts but not on others, Alex, Daniela was absolutely screwed by that at the 2011 Australian Open. The umpire overruled about 10 calls and pretty much every single one was against Daniela. I'd never seen that umpire before and haven't seen him since but the level of bias or incompetence was astounding and no one can be that incompetent. The call that was particularly bad was when Daniela had a BP at 4-3 in the final set, the opponent put the ball wide by a few centimetres, the line judge called it out and Daniela and Kulikova were preparing for Daniela to serve for the match when the umpire overruled, said it was in and the score was deuce. That was one of the many times in that match that Daniela went apeshit at the umpire and rightly so. Kulikova held and Daniela eventually lost 9-7 but that match stunk, the level of bias and corruption was unbelievable. It wasn't just one call, but a series of decisions from that umpire, all at crucial points, that went against Daniela in that match, it was so dubious. Hawkeye would have given Daniela the ability to challenge and overturn those decisions and probably would have meant the umpire wouldn't have made these calls.

Author:  Alex Isabel [ 31. January 2014 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Open GDF Suez, Paris

I had forgotten about this, Chungwit, and I guess it's better that I did. This just is not how a zillion dollar industry should be run. None of us will ever be convinced that this ever comes close to evening out. But a few weeks after that in the semi in Thailand, Daniela got the bad call that led to the chair's infamous lipread and penalty point that created Vera's meltdown. And as we recall, that gave Daniela a match point (and full marks to her for converting it with aplomb) and helped her gain her first title in 4 years. So whenever Dani gets jobbed, I conjure up Pattaya and it helps me feel better.
Speaking of Pattaya, the quarters there are hardly overrun with people that will be enshrined in Newport ever. One could say Daniela could have taken a shot at 3 titles there in 4 years. I am not one of them. I am so glad Dani chose Paris and basically told Pattaya to stick it sideways that I willingly accept the loss to Shazza.

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